address  Mrs S.L Whalley  phone  01392 824340  mail

E-safety is an important part of the curriculum. This is how it is taught throughout the school. If you have any questions then please speak to your child's teacher. 


Children use Fire HD Kids Edition tablets which allow them to access educational games and activities. These are closely monitored and the tablet is ‘locked down’ so that the children are only able to access the activities that the teachers have set.  

Year 1 The children will learn how to use digital video camera safely and to show respect to those they are filming. When searching for images on the web, children will work from a set of carefully chosen websites. The children are taught to turn the screen off and let their teacher know if they have any concerns over content that they have encountered. The children will learn how to use an audio recorder or microphone software safely and sensibly. If children share their work then attention is paid to protecting their identity and copyright. 
Year 2 The children will discuss about games that they may play and how they can choose games wisely and play in moderation. The children will use the Scratch website and children will be encouraged to report anything which they find hurtful or inappropriate. The children will learn that once images are posted online, it’s impossible to control what happens to them. The children will consider how to stay safe while researching online and show respect for others ideas. Safe search filters are in place and school Internet access is filtered. The children will learn about some of the risks associated with email. They will learn that attached files can contain viruses or other harmful programs that email addresses and embedded links can be ‘spoofed’. They will also discuss the importance of keeping personal information private.
Year 3

Safe Online Level 1 will be introduced through Google Classroom.

Children will:

  • Set up an appropriate online profile and choose a suitable username and password.
  • Write a profile which considers personal safety and protects privacy.
  • Create a profile which considers personal safety and protects privacy.
  • Create or choose an appropriate image for their profile.

The children will create their own profile. They will be given examples of what is safe to include and what information should be left out.

They will have the opportunity to choose a name that is not their real name and a password that is easy to remember.

The children will be encouraged to find an image that represents their hobbies and interests rather than a picture of themselves. They will also discuss the importance of keeping personal information private.

Year 4

Safe Online Level 1 will be completed using Google Classroom.

Children will:

  • Write an appropriate blog with an image.
  • Understand the difference between making friends online and face to face.
  • Write constructive comments.

The children will write a blog. They will be shown how to demonstrate what is safe to include and what is inappropriate.

The children will discuss why making friends online is different to making friends face to face. The children will discuss which social networks are used and what information is safe to share online.

Year 5

Safe Online Level 2 using Google Classroom as a Virtual Learning Environment.

Children will:

  • Research a topic online using appropriate websites
  • Understand copyright
  • Interpret research in own words.
  • Understand different forms of media.
  • Discuss how to stay safe online

Class discussion- What is a personal profile?

The children will research information and put it into their own words.

The children will think about different forms of media and how they can be produced. For example, blog, videos, presentation posters, animation etc.

The children will work in groups to create their media using their research and planning.

The children will participate in an online discussion of how to stay safe when using the Internet.  

Year 6

Safe Online Level 2 using Google Classroom as a Virtual Learning Environment.

Children will:

  • Create appropriate and appealing media for audience.
  • Share suitable material on social networks and create a digital footprint
  • Leave constructive feedback
  • Understand how to report hurtful or harmful material on the Internet.

The children will learn about the channels for reporting hurtful or inappropriate comments.

They will discuss who they should tell, what rules you should follow and where you can find the report button on websites.

The children will learn about how digital footprints are created and the risks that are associated with this.