address  Mrs S.L Whalley  phone  01392 824340  mail

Year 5 have been comparing the sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon.  Using plasticine they tried to make a model that showed how the sizes of these three planets compared.  The children also made scale models out of paper.  The Moon had a 2.5cm diameter and the Earth, a 10cm diameter.  The next challenge for the children was to use what they had learned about the comparable sizes of the three planets to answer this question: Are we able to draw the scale circle of the Sun on the school playground?  The children used all their mathematic skills and calculated that scale diameter of the Sun.  They know that the Moon is a quarter of the size of the Earth, and the Sun is 100 times bigger.  Using this information the children were able to work out that the drawing of the Sun would need to be 1000cm or 10m.  From their calculations they decided the circle would fit onto the playground.