Welcome to Exminster Community Primary School

Thank you for your interest in our school. The children, staff, parents and governors have created our Rainbow Values at Exminster Community Primary School.

The EPICentre of Learning.


We want every child to enjoy coming to school, to feel secure in their friendships and to be happy to learn.


We aim to help every child reach and exceed their full potential through providing a rich and varied range of learning opportunities within a broad and balanced curriculum. Learning is planned in every class to meet all needs. We aim to find children’s strengths and use these within school to develop children’s confidence and love of learning. ‘Be the best that we can be’.


We pride ourselves in being a highly inclusive school. Inclusion is about adapting for the needs of our learners – however minor or major their needs may be. This has benefits for all learners, learning to celebrate our differences and individuality.


Exminster Community Primary School plays an integral part in life of our village. We maintain a strong family village school ethos. We feel it is essential that children develop an understanding of our school family, our local family, our national family and our international family. Diversity and respect are a golden thread within all that we do.

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Reception visited the allotment and tasted some of the vegetables and flowers. Before they left they gave the allotment a good water. They hope to visit again soon and see the sweet corn ready to harvest.

Welcome to the summer term at the allotment, With the weather being so good all the crops having been growing really well and we have been very busy planting, watering, weeding and havesting. The current fruits and vegetables growing and being supplied to our school kitchen are strawberries, mange tout, sugar snap peas and rhubarb. Before the end of June we will hopefully be able to harvest the first early potatoes, Swiss chard and some raspberries.

Now winter is here the allotment is looking a bit empty so over the last couple of visits George, Leo and I have prepared the planting beds for winter and harvested a few cabbages, cauliflowers and sprouts. There won't be much growing over the next few months so catch up with the allotment blog in the early spring.

With lovely mild weather through the autumn we were able to clear and tidy up the allotment. There was still plenty of squash,courgettes,tomatoes and spinach to harvest right up until the end of October. Steven Dixon donated a huge pumpkin to guess the weight of, which raised over £20 pounds to our allotment funds. Thank you very much Steve.

Wow what an exciting trip to the allotment today, Ben and Amelia harvested the early potatoes and it was like digging up treasure, there were loads of them. Sophie, Crystal and Matthew watered everything which is a big job, 20 watering cans on my last  count! Jessica picked and bunched up the sweet peas and Laura picked the mange tout and runner beans. Last but not least Steve did a lot of weeding, tomorrow we will hopefully sell some of the produce at the summer fair.☺

We have harvested loads of strawberries, raspberries and redcurrants at our allotment. We have planted some shallots as well as weeded and watered. We enjoyed eating sugar snap peas as well as eating mange tout and courgette in our school dinners this week courtesy of allotment club.

So today Ben worked really hard moving a very heavy wheelbarrow full of mulch up to the allotment and then spread it around the bean beds and the fruit bushes. Jack built a scarecrow, Malachi and Thomas weeded and tidied up some veg beds; Chloe, Maddie and Izzy planted some sweet peas and made sure the baby spinach and little gem lettuce tasted good! It wasn't all hard work though,they did manage to stop for lunch.☺

This afternoon at the allotment we were able to try a few things that have already grown. Baby spinach,little gem lettuce and some beetroot leaves. I think the spinach was a favourite. We also planted some mixed salad leaves and some lambs lettuce.

Today year 1 visited the allotment again to see how much the plants and vegetable, they had helped to plant, had grown. The children were very helpful and enjoyed finding out more about how things grow. They finished off their visit by measuring different plants and comparing how much they had changed since their last visit.

Last week we were kindly given some tomato plants and courgette plants from Rosie Grimwood's Granddad, so after a very sunny weekend they needed planting up at the allotment. The runner beans that the allotment club planted have grown so much that they needed to go into the pre-prepared bed where Jack and Thomas had built one of the bean frames. This, with a lot of watering and a little bit of weeding made for a very busy lunchtime!

Today some of the year 3 planted courgettes, basil and marigolds. These will need to germinate inside before we can plant them up at the allotment. At the allotment Crystal, Matthew, Bailey and kaidydn worked really hard and helped weed most of the fruit and vegetable beds. Our last job of the morning was to check everything was growing well.

Wow everything is starting to grow after the lovely weather last week and over the weekend. There was lots of watering and weeding to do and Jack and Thomas prepared the runnerbean bed by mixing some manure into the weeded soil. We have carrots, peas, potatoes and spinach all starting to grow.

This Thursday we planted pumpkins and some squash. With the weather being so lovely and sunny there is lots of watering to do.

On Monday we went to the allotment and built a bean cane. We also covered the potato plants and weeded the beds.

Year 1 visited the school allotment today! We dug over a raised bed and mixed in some manure before planting carrots! We are going to visit again in a couple of weeks to see how much has grown.

Today, I was invited up to the allotment with a group of budding diggers and planters. We were kindly donated the plot last year and many volunteers have been working hard on it to get it ready for our children to enjoy. Many thanks to all involved with a special mention to Mrs Pike and Bernard for all their blood, sweat and muscles that have gone into to creating the amazing plot that it is. The children enjoyed digging over the ground, measuring out the distances and depth needed,reading the instructions planting and watering. Already, children have been working hard up there to plant leeks potatoes, flowers, strawberries raspberries and blueberries. The sun terrace is especially appealing! Mrs Whalley