Welcome to Exminster Community Primary School

Thank you for your interest in our school. The children, staff, parents and governors have created our Rainbow Values at Exminster Community Primary School.

The EPICentre of Learning.


We want every child to enjoy coming to school, to feel secure in their friendships and to be happy to learn.


We aim to help every child reach and exceed their full potential through providing a rich and varied range of learning opportunities within a broad and balanced curriculum. Learning is planned in every class to meet all needs. We aim to find children’s strengths and use these within school to develop children’s confidence and love of learning. ‘Be the best that we can be’.


We pride ourselves in being a highly inclusive school. Inclusion is about adapting for the needs of our learners – however minor or major their needs may be. This has benefits for all learners, learning to celebrate our differences and individuality.


Exminster Community Primary School plays an integral part in life of our village. We maintain a strong family village school ethos. We feel it is essential that children develop an understanding of our school family, our local family, our national family and our international family. Diversity and respect are a golden thread within all that we do.

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This week the children had a challenge set for them by Mr Slingsby. His parents have just got a little puppy and he keeps knocking over his drink bowl onto the kitchen floor tiles. His parents wanted to know what would be best to use to clear it up.
The children tested lots of materials and found that kitchen roll was the best option.
Here are a few pictures:

Today, Year 2 became journalists as they were first on the scene of a terrible breaking story. The children will next week write newspaper reports covering the news story. The children investigated the scene and then spoke to eyewitness 'Larry the Lamb’. Can you guess from the crime scene what the story might be about?

What a day we had in Years 2 and 3 doing outdoor learning. Throughout the day the children participated in planting at the allotment, outdoor maths looking at capacity, sketching, poetry and Dartmoor Three Ball. Below are some pictures of the day.

Year 2 focused on how we can reduce, reuse and recycle plastic to help protect our planet. They all brought something into school that they would normally throw away and were set the challenge of making something new from it. They rose to the challenge well making piggy banks, pencil pots and bird feeders to name just a few.

Year 2 had an exciting visit to Powderham Castle last week. They spent the day experiencing what it would have been like to have been a house keeper at Powderham Castle in Victorian times.

Year 2 have been working hard at home, across the term, learning lots about China. Here are some of their fantastic pieces:

Year 2 have been looking at the superpowers (adaptations) animals have to help them live in their habitats. They got into groups and researched a different animal each from giant pandas to polar bears.

Year 2 have had a great day learning about China. As part of this they made their own traditional Chinese fans. Here are some photos:

Today Year 2 have been making their Christmas decorations for the Christmas Tree Festival at Exminster Methodist Church.
They had great fun singing along to the Nativity songs as they made them.

We have been learning about the Great Fire of London. As part of this, the children made silhouettes of the buildings against a burning back wash they created. Here are some of them.

Year 2 had a great time giving their family and friends tours of their Shoebox Aquariums. A fun time was had by all and lots of facts were shared.

Mr Slingsby's tortoise came to visit Year 2 during their English lesson to put a context to writing questions. The children used question starters to come up with different questions to ask Mr Slingsby such as why, how, when and what. The children wrote these questions in their English books remembering to put question marks at the end of each question. They found lots out about the tortoise too!

Year 2 had a great day at the aquarium learning many new facts to support their 'Under the Sea' topic. Here are some photographs.

As part of Careers Week in Year 2, we have been learning about the job of a structural engineer today. The children were set a challenge, with only masking tape and newspaper, to build the tallest tower.

This morning the children travelled to South Dartmoor Community College to take part in different sporting activities. The children enjoyed playing Dartmoor 3 Ball, handball and throwing the javelin alongside other activities.

Year 2 have been busy in music learning to play Samba. The end goal is a performance at the Summer Fair.
Here are some photos of them practising.

The children arrived to a crime scene at school this morning before a local resident, Mr Carson, came to be interviewed by the children about what he saw happening last night. They will be writing newspaper reports about what they found out later this week. We will publish some of the articles on the blog.

Year 2 have spent the last two weeks making moving toys for the Reception children. They had to be based on an animal from the River Exe. Here they are:

Year 2 have had a great morning exploring books with Miss Cowling from the library service. The children looked through lots of books and chose their favourites to add to our school library.

The Year 2 children have been using QR codes to research different animal groups. The children went around the classroom with their Chromebooks finding QR codes to scan and then read and recorded the information they had found.
Later in the lesson they used this knowledge to classify animals in the local environment.

Year 2 and 3 had a great day on Monday on their Allotment Day. The children took part in four exciting activities throughout the day: planting at the allotment, writing vegetable riddles, composing music to represent the seasons and researching food miles.

Today the children have been learning about the properties of different materials. Through this they completed an experiment to see whether the different materials were waterproof or not. They then used this knowledge to design an outfit for Harry and Meghan's wedding just in case it rains. We are in England after all!

This term the children have been learning to play baritones and cornets as part of their music lessons. The can all play a simple fanfare that we practised for our castles day.

Yesterday, Year 2 had an exciting visit to Powderham Castle to learn about life as Victorian servants. The children really enjoyed working hard doing the chores and I'm sure they will be asking to do them at home now too!